My Mother's Passing
by JJ on Apr.04, 2013,under Julian
This is a more difficult post, to re-post. As I move things around to my new Website, I am not moving everything over. But in retrospect, this was a big part of a time in my life. My brother and I drove to Tracy, California to help put her affairs in order.
This particular post comes from Facebook:
Julian J Thomas My mother had a stroke on the 20th and peacefully passed away Good Friday. My brother and I are cleaning her house. The cemetery is right behind her division. It was a code to signify we made it to Tracy okay. I'm doing alright, considering what I'm going through. Work has been great. There are only two of us in that work at night and we share only on night. His mother passed away a couple of nights after my mom had the stroke. My boss even came in and worked my shift for me. She has been pretty cool about giving two of us the time off to deal with everything.
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